Officers of the Ladies' Section
Founded 1938
© Copyright 2007-2024
    Lenham Bowling Club
Lenham Bowling Club
Some information is subject to confirmation


1948 - 1959

 Mrs Groom

(From 1951-1954 the post was designated as "Chairman")

1960 - 1961

 Mrs Hitchens

1962 - 1963

 Mrs Mitchell

1964 - 1970

 Mrs Jarvis

1971 - 1972

 Mrs Barling

(The Post was discontinued at the 1972 Ladies' Section AGM in favour of the Ladies' Captain chairing meetings of the Section)


1948 - 1949

Mrs Jarvis


Mrs de la Plain

1951 - 1955

Mrs Jarvis

1956 - 1977

Mrs Jones

1978 - 1991

Mrs Haynes

1992 - 1995

Mrs Jones

1996 - 2003

Miss Brooks

2004 - 2006

Mrs Tong

2007 - 2023

Mrs Parker




1948 - 1954

Mrs Jarvis

1955 - 1966

Mrs Barling

1967 - 1969

Mrs Thorne

1970 - 1974

Mrs Lincoln


Mrs Tournay

1976 - 1978

Mrs Hodges


Mrs Brook

1980 - 1988

Mrs Jones

1989 - 1992

Mrs Read

1993 - 2012

Mrs Aldam

2013 - 2023

Mrs Munn



  Match Secretary

1965 - 1984

Mrs Bohan

1985 - 2003

Mrs Morton

2004 - 2006

Mrs Munn

(There is no further mention of this post in the records)