Dick Houghton

We have been informed that Dick Houghton passed away in the early hours of 15th July.

Although Dick was not a member of Lenham BC, many long-standing and former members will have come across him over the years.  He used to play at Ashford Town and, latterly, went indoors to play at Ashford IBC.

Details of the funeral arrangements will be posted here when they are known.
Posted: 16 Jul 24

Bernard Annand Trophy & Memorial Shield

Having won our BA Trophy 2nd Round match against Deal BC, our 3rd Round opponents in this invitational men's competition for 'unbadged' players will be Folkestone BC (Home), date to be confirmed.

Unfortunately, we lost to Folkestone Park in Round 1 of the Memorial Shield (open to all men).

For more information about these competitions, click on the link on our 'Links' page.
Posted: 25 Jun 24, Revised: 22 Jul 24

Chilmington Cup

Congratulations to Andy Beman on winning this Club competition on Sunday 23rd June.
Andy's winning score was 35 points.  Alan Morton came 2nd with 33 points and Richard Tong was 3rd with 32 points.  Through absolutely no fault of her own (just bad luck), Jan Morrison was the recipient of the wooden spoon.

Members will be pleased to note that the missing names on the list of winners have now been identified (needless to say they were hiding in plain sight) and the list updated (click above on 'Club Comps>Various Others>Chilmington Cup').
Posted: 25 Jun 24

Founded 1938
Lenham Bowling Club
© Copyright 2007-2024
    Lenham Bowling Club